Most Popular Questions

No, ultrasound is a painless procedure. You might feel slight discomfort if the transducer is pressed firmly against your body, but it should not be painful.

Ultrasound is generally safe and doesn't have any known risks.

The radiologist carefully reviews your images and provide the results within 24-48 hours. The doctor will then discuss them with you.

Abdominal ultrasounds require fasting for a period of 8 hours before the test. This fasting period ensures clear imaging of the abdominal organs.

In Pelvic Ultrasound (including obstetrical 1st-trimester ultrasound), It is necessary to drink 32oz of water and hold (do not urinate) for at least 45 minutes before the ultrasound. Renal Ultrasound requires drinking 16 oz of water and hold for at least 45 minutes before the exam.

A Doppler ultrasound is a specific imaging technique that assesses the velocity of blood flow within blood vessels. It is commonly used to examine the veins and arteries of abdominal organs and other vessels throughout the body.

  • A transducer emits high-frequency sound waves.
  • These waves interact differently with various tissue types.
  • The transducer detects all the reflected sound waves.
  • Special software converts the waves into an image.

Ultrasounds are performed by technicians or sonographers. They are professionally trained to use an ultrasound machine properly and safely.

It is important to always have your ultrasound done by a healthcare professional in a medical facility.

During the ultrasound, a gel will be applied over the area being examined. a transducer will be moved over your skin to capture images. You'll be asked to lie down and may need to change positions for clearer images.

Before your ultrasound appointment, we recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing to ensure comfort during the procedure. You may also be asked to refrain from eating or drinking for a certain period before certain types of ultrasounds, so please follow any specific instructions given to you.

After an ultrasound procedure, you can typically resume your normal activities immediately, as there are usually no special precautions or restrictions to follow afterward.

A transabdominal ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging procedure where a handheld transducer is placed on the abdomen to capture images of internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, and bladder. It's commonly used for evaluating abdominal structures and monitoring fetal development during pregnancy.

A transvaginal ultrasound involves inserting a specialized transducer into the vagina to get high-resolution images of the female reproductive system, including the uterus, ovaries, and cervix. This technique provides more thorough information about these structures compared to a transabdominal method, making it useful in diagnosing conditions such as pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, or infertility issues.

At Perfect Diagnostic Ultrasound, we understand the importance of affordability when it comes to healthcare services. That's why we offer competitive pricing for our ultrasound packages. Our goal is to provide high-quality ultrasound services at affordable rates, ensuring that everyone has access to essential medical care without financial burden.

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